· Chris Hammond
Last Updated
Another night of progress
Making progress on the car project - wiring, fuel lines, and more coming together! Stay tuned for updates on the megasquirt and electrical work ahead. #carproject #wiring #fuel #megasquirt
Today we made some good progress. Mark helped me at the office today to solder some more wiring for the megasquirt. I've still got a LOT more wiring to do, but that part of things is starting to come together.
Tonight I finished up welding for the VR sensor bracket and then Eric came over and we spent time connecting things in the engine bay. We have more of the fuel lines connect, oil feed for the turbo, and other things going now. I've got a few fittings to purchase Saturday morning, a few bolts to purchase, and grommets to fill some holes.
Saturday morning I'll be up early, running around for a few parts, then back home to finish up the fuel hardware. I'll start on running wires for the megasquirt tomorrow morning.
Mostly, after the fuel lines are taken care of, I just have electrical things to work on. Any EE's out there who want to come play tomorrow?????