· Chris Hammond
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Prepping the car for the move, putting the suspension back together
Read about the progress of putting the suspension back together and the hiccups along the way. Stay tuned for updates on the upcoming trailer ride to Colorado!
Tonight I came home and started putting the suspension back together. Fortunately I hadn’t gotten too far with taking it apart, so I didn’t have too much to put back together. I decided since we only have a couple of weeks left I won’t try getting the other suspension under the car, I’ll just worry about getting it together and secured for the trailer ride to Colorado (https://www.going2colorado.com) later this month.
I got the front suspension bits together, though I didn’t bother to put the sway bar on for now. I then decided to pull the steering column to get the new one put into the car. That was easy, at least the pulling it out process, I stopped for dinner, but it sure looks like the replacement column isn’t going to work :(
I’ll have to try to get that in later this week.