· Chris Hammond
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Mounting a video camera behind your car
Join the San Francisco Region's slush series with a DIY camera mount for your car! Get tips on capturing exciting videos at www.project350z.com.
Today was the first event in the San Francisco Region’s slush series. I decided to head out and try to dust some of the rust off, and last night decided to build a camera mount for the car. After seeing the GoPro HD Hero2 launch video, I decided it was time to try to start getting more interesting video.
Earlier this week I attempted to do something interesting with video on my bicycle for www.bicycletips.com but the video turned out pretty bad.
For the 350z I wanted to try to get the camera up and behind the car. Not just on top of the car, but a couple feet back and above the car. So I got the building, really I didn’t build much, just assembled some parts that I had, and that I picked up from the local Ace Hardware store here in Half Moon Bay. Read More at www.project350z.com