Chris Hammond is

Chris Hammond

Chris Hammond is a father, husband, leader, software developer, photographer and car guy. Chris focuses on the latest in technology including artificial intelligence (AI) and has spent decades becoming an expert in ASP.NET and DotNetNuke (DNN) development. You will find a variety of posts relating to those topics here on the website. For more information check out the about Chris Hammond page.

Find me on Twitter, GitHub and LinkedIn.

Nissan Leaf Posts

The word from is that the Nissan Leaf has surpassed 8000 registrations! That's exciting to see! Though I'm curious to see how many of those registrations actually go through and become purchases? How many of those people are just trying to hold a spot in line and sell their opportunity to the highest bidder?

They also link to another article they posted about problems with the registration process that they themselves experienced. I'm glad to see that I didn't experience any of those problems, had I, I may not own this domain name and have things setup for this website. I'm going to keep digging for more Leaf news, if you're up for posting news as well let me know, I can distribute the permissions! 

UPDATE: Engadget has also picked up this story now as well, here's their post.

Did you get in on the Nissan Leaf preregistration event last week? Well I did, and I’m excited about it! So excited that I went and did something, I purchased a domain name and setup a website for it (running on DotNetNuke of course)!

Check out the website at

I’ve setup some forums and started posting a few news bits. I hope to update the site daily with the latest in Leaf news! If you’re interested in contributing to the site check it out and shoot @LeafOwner a message on twitter!

I still need to get a logo together, any designers out there interested in putting something together?

Chris Hammond excited about an electric car? Yeah, weird eh? but I’m all about this! Stay tuned!


Update: wow I can't believe I put in the wrong URL earlier!

Did you register for the Priority Registration for the new Nissan Leaf? If you did we want to hear from you! We've got a thread started here in the forums that we would appreciate your feedback in. Let other future Leaf owners know what you ordered, and when you ordered.

We turned on the Forums here at and would encourage everyone to take a few moments to get registered with the site, and start posting in the forums. As we generate some more traffic and posts we'll expand the forum selection here. If you are interested in contributing to the website please email [email protected] and we'll get you on the list! We're looking for contributors for art and news about the Nissan Leaf.
Welcome to the Forums! We are still working on things around here, but feel free to sit down and get comfortable. To get started you should make your first post in the "New Here?" forum!

If you have questions about the Nissan Leaf be sure to check out our basic Leaf Discussions forum, over time we'll break things out into additional forums, but only after we start to generate some traffic to justify the discussions.

2011 Nissan Leaf

For a brief moment in time I owned the 105th Nissan Leaf built and shipped to the USA. The posts below are about my Leaf adventure.