Learning about C Bitshift Operators

So I was doing some reading tonight on my Nerdkit, I had planned to actually do some playing around with it, but decided just to read a bit. I’ve never coded in C, I did C++ in College (not very well) and do most of my development in C# these days (when I’m doing code, mostly for fun). While all similar, there are a few differences, so doing things in C is a learning experience.

There was some practice questions for AND and OR using Binary. Here are some examples.

When comparing binary with AND  you and up getting a 1 if both bits are 1, and 0 if they are not.

Example: 11111111 & 00001100 = 00001100

while OR would produce a 1 if either bit is 1.

Example: 111111111 | 00001100 = 11111111

But then I came across something I didn’t understand

11011010 & ~(1<<3)

~ is pretty easy, it means NOT, but what is (1<<3) ? I had no clue, so I did some Googling for (1<<3), (1<<2) and the like, w/ quotes, without quotes, etc. That produced absolutely nothing useful unless I was trying to get a third cup of sugar…. So I figured, well if Google can’t figure out what I want I would try to use Bing, that produced results just as useless.

So, what next? Well, I decided to try www.WolframAlpha.com 

What do you know? It actually told me what it was, sort of.


It told me that it was performing a BitShift, which at least got me somewhere. A quick search for “C BitShift” and I found a page that explains it well enough. http://www.cs.umd.edu/class/spring2003/cmsc311/Notes/BitOp/bitshift.html

So what is the result?

11011010 & ~(1<<3)

Well 1 is really 00000001, shifted to the left 3 bits would be 00001000, (which is actually 8 as n integer)

11011010 & ~(00001000) so the & for that would be 11010010

There was another example in the Nerdkit documentation as well, for OR

11011010 | (1<<2)

11011010 | (00000100) = 11011010

So there you go. I learned something new for today. Hopefully this weekend I’ll actually get the Nerdkit doing something else besides the temperature sensor I have it configured for. Perhaps I’ll get it going and connected to Project350z.com (hey, it is a three day weekend).

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Chris Hammond

Chris Hammond is a father, husband, leader, software developer, photographer and car guy. Chris focuses on the latest in technology including artificial intelligence (AI) and has spent decades becoming an expert in ASP.NET and DotNetNuke (DNN) development. You will find a variety of posts relating to those topics here on the website. For more information check out the about Chris Hammond page.

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