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EDIT: Originally posted by Shaun Walker in the benefactors forum..... DotNetNuke 4.5.2 has been released and is available for download from www.dotnetnuke.com here's a list of fixes/changes - added new DateTime Edit control which can be used in the User Profile ( and other Property Editors ) for collecting date and time information - modified automatic upgrade processing to force the Database check to happen before the MachineKey check. This will help prevent a fringe situation where the application would think it was a new install and would overwrite the MachineKeys. - added new Request Filter feature which allows blocking based on IP as well as a number of other server variables - removed alert box which would be displayed when callback fails during populate on demand from the DNNMenu control. This would only happen in situations where the users session had timed out and they hovered their mouse pointer over the action menu in their browser - added UpdatePanelUpdateModeType AJAX enhancment. This was necessary in order to set the UpdatePanel.UpdateMode to Conditional - which is now the default ( it was mistakenly set to All in the previous version ). - Added RegisterPostBackControl AJAX enhancement which allows for exclusions of controls from UpdatePanel async processing. This was implemented in the UrlControl to prevent partial rending when uploading files ( stream operations do not work with partial rendering ). - Added WrapUpdatePanelControl AJAX enhancement which allows you to easily take any control on the page and have it wrapped by an UpdatePanel. - Added CreateUpdateProgressControl AJAX enhancement which creates an update progress control. This was implemented in Skin.vb so that the update progess control is automatically injected by the framework for modules which support partial rendering. - when installing dynamic modules, there was an issue identified when trying to write to the web.config file. The issue was caused in situations where the Microsoft Web Admin Tool had added a namespace to the web.config file. The code was modified to ignore the namespace if it exists. - DNN-5510 fixed Permissions Fill* controller methods which did not load the RoleID value properly and would result in data corruption when the Permission Grid was saved repeatedly. - created update SQL script to repair permission records which may have been corrupted when using User Level Permissions. This could have only happened if the permissions grid was loaded and saved multiple times when using User level Permissions. - added SQL script to clean any potential duplicate records from all Permissions tables and then add a unique constraint to preserve referential integrity - UrlControl overhauled by Mauricio Marquez so that it works in dynamic loading and postback scenarios. A problem introduced in DNN 4.5 where the UrlControl would always display a type selector, even if there was only one type option available, was also resolved. - modified logic in Module Definitions and Host Settings so that when the application is running on localhost ( Request.IsLocal ) it does not check for upgrades. This prevents broken image links when developers are working local without an active Internet connection. - added more defensive coding in Module Output Caching to deal with situations where no content is retrieved from the cache for a module - in Page Settings, moved the Hidden? option to Basic Settings and changed its name to Include In Menu? for improved usability - in Site Settings in the Usability section, added an option so that the administrator can specify Control Panel Security for either Page Editors or Module Editors. Setting the option to Page Editors provides the same Control Panel behavior which existed prior to the enhancement in this area in 4.5. - in Portal Template Export, removed nodes which would cause it not to validate against the schema on import. The offending nodes were related to properties added to the...

Chris Hammond

Chris Hammond is a father, husband, leader, software developer, photographer and car guy. Chris focuses on the latest in technology including artificial intelligence (AI) and has spent decades becoming an expert in ASP.NET and DotNetNuke (DNN) development. You will find a variety of posts relating to those topics here on the website. For more information check out the about Chris Hammond page.

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