· Chris Hammond
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A grateful email from Italy
Discover an unexpected note of gratitude from an Italian Perry Mason fan who admired my night photo of Denver City Hall on Flickr.

Today I was digging through my spam folder on my Christoc.com email account, as I do occasionally before emptying the folder, and I came across the following email, filled out via the feedback form here on ChrisHammond.com
Good morning, mr. Hammond,
this is the history that leads to this letter.
I am Italian, and I live in Italy; you surely know the old TV movies “Perry Mason”, well they were broadcasted here too, from the early 60s on, B&W and then color in the 80s, and I loved them (I was born in 1950, so I enjoyed them all), and yesterday I was watching the re-broadcasting of an episode taking place in Denver.
Well, before the final hearing there was a shot of the building where it was supposed going to take place. And it was a magnificent building. So great that I said to myself: you must search on the internet for photos of it.
Well, I don’t think these hearings take place in the City Hall, there are in Denver more proper buildings for it, and the shot was taken there just because the building has this great look, anyway here we are: now you have understood all, of course.
Your night photo of the building is absolutely breathtaking, I found it on the flickr.com site, and I wanted to give you my compliments.
But, above all, I wanted to thank you for having left free for anyone the photo in its big original size, that usually nobody does: very few share the full fruit of their art with the art admirers (and I must say: there are often professional copyright reasons, but if one is not a pro… why deny it ?).
So, thank you, mr. Hammond. And my compliments again.
Warm regards,
At first I thought, wow this is going to be a good phishing email, it started out with the most random story. But if you read all the way through the email you’ll see it is actually legit. A compliment for a photo I posted on Flickr, I can only assume that he is referring to this photo.
I don’t think the email address he used in the feedback form is real, so I’ll post my reply here, though I doubt he’ll ever see it.
Guglielmo, Thank you for taking the time to email me, I live a pretty open life, and most of it online, so I gladly upload nearly all of my photos in full resolution via Flickr, or whatever service I use at the time. I really appreciate your email, it has made my evening. Sincerely, Chris