· Chris Hammond
Last Updated
My Survivor TV Show application from the first season... Fall 1999
Discover a blast from the past as I unearthed my unfinished CBS Survivor application from 1999. Dive into the hilarious details I found in "Survivor.doc"!

I hoard things, lots of things, especially digital things.
Apparently back in the fall of 1999 I decided to start filling out the application form for the CBS TV Show called Survivor, which was prepping for it’s first season which ended up airing in May 2000.
I found this in a word document entitled “Survivor.doc” on my computer while playing around with NVIDIA’s ChatRTX application.
Some funny things inside of this document.
I was still a student down at Rolla.
I mentioned my “long term girlfriend” and “probably be engaged by January” which is hilarious to me based on how that relationship went.
I had both a phone (cell) and pager number listed, along with a Fax number, which must of been a web based service because I have no idea where that area code is from.
I apparently never filled out the entire application or sent it in :D
Take a look at the PDF, you can see some of the “rules” and requirements for the application process, as well as the answers I filled out.