Export Photos from CommunityServer 2.*

I've started working on a quick application to export Photos from a CommunityServer website. If there's any interest I'll post up the code for this later in the week. I'm working to get http://chrishammond.com off of CommunityServer and setup on DotNetNuke. Considering I'm a DNN Core team member and my fulltime job is dealing with DNN every day it was about time to do so.

So what will I be using in DotNetNuke to replace the functionality that CommunityServer offers? Here's a list of functionality and my planned replacement

Photos: Flickr, I've been using Flickr for over a year now and you just can't beat the service they provide. $20/year and unlimited uploads/downloads, I've got over 10k photos uploaded to Flickr since I started using it, and with this export tool I'll have a few thousand more.

Blogs: Frankly, the DNN Blog is alright, but not great. So I'm working to configure the Engage: Publish module I work on nearly every day to provide blog functionality. It's one of the pricier modules you'll find out there, but that's because it has seen 3 years of development and is supported by a company with 14 employees. Adding this functionality will require the following: Tags, MetaBlogAPI Support, better URL handling

There are a few large things I need to work on. 1) Importing my Blog posts/tags from CS into the Engage: Publish module. 2) Friendly URL modifications to allow lookup and 301 redirections for the old URLs to find the new URLs within Publish. My goal is to have most of the above ready for testing after the Holiday Weekend.

Posted from weblogs.asp.net/christoc

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Chris Hammond

Chris Hammond is a father, husband, leader, software developer, photographer and car guy. Chris focuses on the latest in technology including artificial intelligence (AI) and has spent decades becoming an expert in ASP.NET and DotNetNuke (DNN) development. You will find a variety of posts relating to those topics here on the website. For more information check out the about Chris Hammond page.

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