My time with DotNetNuke is coming to an end

My time with DotNetNuke is coming to an end

It is with a bit of sadness, and a bit of excitement that I put together this blog post. After February 15th I will no longer be an employee of DotNetNuke. I’ve been with the company almost 3 years (March 1st would have been my anniversary), and I’ve been working with the project for the past 10+ years and worked for one of DotNetNuke’s leading partners, Engage Software, for almost 6 years before starting with DNNCorp.

So why is February 15th my last day? To be honest, I’m a military brat, I thrive for change (we moved a lot as a kid), and it is just time for me to do something else. I have been exploring the idea of getting back into more software development over the past year, as opposed to the training side of things, and have decided that I would like to work outside of the CMS space for a while.

That being said, I will miss a lot about DNNCorp and am very thankful for the opportunity that the company has provided for myself and my family for the past three years. I don’t foresee leaving the DNN space completely, I have a lot of websites that run on DotNetNuke, and I will continue to work on those, and new ones in the future. You will still see me, in the Forums, in the Community Exchange, blogging and attending DotNetNuke events around the world. But I will once again be just another community member, doing DNN for fun, for hobby, for various projects, back to my roots, the way things started for me with DNN, building websites because I wanted to build them.

What about the Training Program with DotNetNuke? Have no fear, the DNN Training program isn’t going away, it is in good hands going forward with a team of resources that will be devoted to it’s further enrichment. Stay tuned of future announcements regarding the training program on

There are a lot of new exciting things coming from DotNetNuke Corporation over the next few years, I look forward to seeing those and using them as well.

What’s next for me? I’ll be working for a small software company in St. Louis County Missouri, not far from our house (bike commute here I come). I’m excited about the team of folks they have at the company and the challenge of the software product they have developed. They don’t have a foosball table in the office yet, but I do plan to push for that as soon as I get on board. The time spent around the DNNFoos table was some of the most fun I’ve had, and I look forward to sharing that experience with a new set of friends. That and I still plan to beat up on Will Strohl at Foosball whenever I get the opportunity.

Please feel free to connect on LinkedIn, or follow my future blog posts at

Recent Comments

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Best of luck to you and your growing family, Chris. Thank you for all the videos and other contributions that you have made to DotNetNuke.
Posted By: Barry Sweeney on Feb 2013
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Your training videos and webinars will be sorely missed. Best of luck to you in your new venture.
Posted By: Robert Santuci on Feb 2013
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Congrats on the new gig. You and your poor foosball skills will be sorely missed around the office. I'll leave it at that since you're really not going anywhere. :)
Posted By: Will Strohl on Feb 2013
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Good luck on your new ventures. Thanks for all the help over the years. Hope to still see you at some upcoming conferences!
Posted By: Clint Patterson on Feb 2013
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Wish you luck on the new job! Keep in touch if you are ever out this way.
Posted By: Chris Csanyi on Feb 2013
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Best wishes in your new endeavors Chris! We were chatting over lunch how much we've benefited from your videos and templates. Perhaps you'll consider coming to the Southern Fried Dnn event so we can give you a proper send-off :)
Posted By: Allen Foster on Feb 2013
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I'd say congratulations to your new employer. They have snapped up a gem. All the best and thanks for all you've done. Ian, John and the rest of the Glanton team
Posted By: Ian Sampson on Feb 2013
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Thanks Chris for all you've given to the DNN community. Best wishes on this new chapter.
Posted By: Eddie Ebeling on Feb 2013
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Good luck to you! Thanks for you help when I needed it!
Posted By: Sean Power on Feb 2013
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Been away for a long time and now that I come back to Earth I find that everything has just changed such big time... and then... I find that you, Chris Hammond, have initiated a new endeavor leaving DNN behind...! Too much for me on this winter evening (southern hemisphere ;). Really wish you the world's best luck, you most certainly deserve it. :))
Posted By: Alejandro Quiroga Alsina on Jul 2013

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Chris Hammond

Chris Hammond is a father, husband, leader, software developer, photographer and car guy. Chris focuses on the latest in technology including artificial intelligence (AI) and has spent decades becoming an expert in ASP.NET and DotNetNuke (DNN) development. You will find a variety of posts relating to those topics here on the website. For more information check out the about Chris Hammond page.

Find me on Twitter, GitHub and LinkedIn.