· Chris Hammond
Last Updated
Places to visit, California!
Discover the best places to visit in California with our new listing! Follow along for travel inspiration and tips for exploring the Golden State.

You know what I forgot when I redesigned the site a few weeks ago? A places to visit listing!
So I guess I need to come up with another way to do that now. I was reading Wil’s latest entry about his vacation and it made me miss all of California.
There’s so much out there to see and do. I haven’t seen a lot of it in quite a long time. Ultimately I’d love to go out there with my significant other and drive around the state seeing various things. Of course I’d love to do that in my own car, there in lies the problem. Getting the car out there would take at least 2-3 days, then you only have a day or two to actually sight see, which is no where near enough time in California. So I guess I’ll have to take it in steps.
Wil talked about the Jelly Belly factory, i’ve been there, funny thing is I swear I heard/read it was robbed the other day, too lazy to google that news right now though :)
Anyways, I’ve started a new category of places to see, this will be the first post in that site.