· Chris Hammond
Last Updated
Why NOT To use Charter in St. Louis Missouri, Charter Sucks
Struggling with Charter and Directv customer service? Read about one customer's frustrating experience in dealing with service delays and unfulfilled promises.

I’ve had no luck with Charter and Directv Customer service over the past month.
Here’s a letter I sent to Charter this morning via their website.
I’d like to know how Charter is going to make me a happy customer. Here’s my story.
During the storms in July I lost my Directv service. They were unable to come out and restore my service in a timely manner, totally missing an appointment. I called charter, was told I could get a DVR, Digital Cable, and HD service installed at my house the following week, all for a good low price based on the fact that I was leaving Directv.
Fast forward three weeks, that’s today. So far all I have is a digital cable box, no HD and no DVR, and a $350 bill from charter. When the technician came to install the DVR and Cable box he showed up without either piece of equipment and told me I would have to go to charter’s offices myself. I went there, and was told I couldn’t get the DVR.
That $350 bill includes charges for the DVR, cable service, and $100 of installation charges. I was told when I signed up my installation would be waived due to me switching from Directv.
I’d love for someone from Charter to call me and schedule an appointment for my DVR to be DELIVERED and INSTALLED. I tried picking it up myself two weeks ago and was told I couldn’t as it had to be professionaly installed. Then, last week I was told they were out of stock in STL, though when I ordered they were in stock.
I’m extremely unhappy with the level of service I’ve received thus far, and if these matters are not corrected, all the promised equipment installed and working by Friday the 18th of August I’ll be cancelling ALL my services with Charter and going to SBC and Dish networks.
Unhappily, Chris Hammond