· Chris Hammond
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The first National event Trophy for the CorvetteZ06.org Team

Placing 6th at the Dixie National Tour was a pleasant surprise! Stay tuned for videos on Youtube and photos on Flickr of the event highlights.

Placing 6th at the Dixie National Tour was a pleasant surprise! Stay tuned for videos on Youtube and photos on Flickr of the event highlights.

(blog post March 2008, date unsure) What I hope will be the first of many was achieved this weekend. I placed 6th at the Dixie National Tour in Cecil Georgia over the weekend. There were 18 drivers that I believe finished, and 20 drivers entered for the event, so the trophies filled out to 6th place.

After day 1 I was sitting in 10th place. I wasn’t too disappointed with that considering the troubles from Friday. Sunday however was dry, and almost even warm, though a tad chilly in the wind. The sun was out so it looked to be a good day. After my first run I believe I moved up to 2nd in SS due to some folks not having run yet, and others hitting cones. (Speaking of cones, Mr. Whitworth hit cones on all three of his runs on Sunday…)

I improved on my second run dropping 1.2 seconds to get 45.472, that put me somewhere around 5th place at the time. My third run was a tad slower at 45.493. By the end of the third runs I had dropped to 7th place, other drivers had picked up time, and cleaned up runs.

I was informed that Greg Schmaker had DNFd two of his runs on Saturday and was going to have the timing staff correct his times, unfortunately for Greg that would move him from 6th place (.119 ahead of me) to 17th due to not having a good clean run on Saturday. This moved me up into the final trophy position though. Big thanks to Greg for doing that, though I honestly would have been happy with 7th, getting a trophy at my first National Tour in the Corvette was a pleasant surprise!

Once we had finished up Dave and I got to work taking the race rubber off the car and getting it loaded up on to the trailer. While changing the tires I noticed a lot of gunk on the right rear suspension. Further inspection found it to be grease from the CV boot. It looks like the boot was damaged when we installed the Konis on the car, so it is throwing grease out all over the suspension and wheels.

It looks like the car will remain parked for a few days while I study for a test for class on Wednesday night. After that I hope to check out a fix for the grease problem, as well as put the stock shocks back on the front of the car. Sometime on Tuesday I’ll be emailing Koni to see what they can do for me about the shock that broke on Friday…

Videos and such from this weekend will be on Youtube on Tuesday!

Photos posted on Flickr.

Photos to prove that I ran with Monroe Sensa Tracs on the car!

Monroe SensatracMonroe SensatracMonroe SensatracMonroe SensatracMonroe Sensatrac

And photos of some of the grease in the back

Corvette BootIMG_5348

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