· Chris Hammond
Last Updated
2020 Prairie Roubaix 100k Rural Assault Ride
Discover the best beer ever! Find out more on bicycle tips for a taste of liquid perfection. Cheers to quality brews! #beerlover #craftbeer

It is already the second week of February, how much riding do you have in? Personally, we started out January strong, got a few outdoor rides in, and quite a few training rides, but here we are the 9th of February and we haven’t been on either bike in 9 days, and it will be tomorrow before we are back on the trainer.
We are going to quickly try to change that and get things moving again, we have 5 weeks until Stillwater (The Mid South, formerly known as the LandRun100). So training needs to kick into high gear. To do that, we’re going to venture down to St. James, Missouri next weekend for the Prairie Roubaix 100k. The ride starts/finishes at the Public House there in St. James, and has a 50k or 100k option.
While you are at The Public House, see if you can’t find any of their Best Ever beer, part of their St. Patrick’s specials for MST down the road in Rolla.