The 2021 Unbound Gravel Weekend Review

Two Years ago I was in Emporia Kansas for the Dirty Kanza, riding 100 miles on gravel for the first time. It wasn't easy, I was slow, and spent most of the second half helping a buddy get through the ride while he was having some serious cramping. Overall we had a great weekend of riding and I made it a point to try to get back. Last year things didn't go as planned, and I sure as heck wasn't trained and ready for a 200 mile bike ride if the event had occurred, but I was planning on 2021 being the year I rode 200 miles. Earlier this year I failed to start training/riding early, and ultimately spent about 2 months dealing with some heart issues that I wasn't planning on having to endure until much later in life.



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Chris Hammond

Chris Hammond is a father, husband, leader, software developer, photographer and car guy. Chris focuses on the latest in technology including artificial intelligence (AI) and has spent decades becoming an expert in ASP.NET and DotNetNuke (DNN) development. You will find a variety of posts relating to those topics here on the website. For more information check out the about Chris Hammond page.

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