DotNetNuke Tip #18, Upgrade to *.3.5

I didn't come up with this list, just reposting it.

Admin/Host Functions

DNN-3913 - Improved performance of URL Control with a large number of folders
DNN-3911 - Inform User if email to vendor or admin fail
DNN-3932 - Fixed behavior of User Settings in SuperUser Accounts
DNN-3928 - Add ability to disable the Update profile on login functionality
DNN-3868 - Fixed display of Page specific Header info
DNN-3867 - Fixed the Portal Template Schema Definition for the file element
DNN-3866 - Fixed AddPortalInfo sproc so users upgrading from 4.0 can add new portals
DNN-3793 - Fixed bug with adding codeSubdirectory node to web.config
DNN-3730 - Forced validation of Profile Definitions in case client-side validation doesn't happen (plus added missing keys)
DNN-3791 - Private and verified registration no longer redirects but displays confirmation message
DNN-3804 - Fail gracefully on Password Update if problems with Email
DNN-3839 - Added ability for Admin to set the default profile Visibility
DNN-3835 - Added ability for Admin to disable/enable Services
DNN-3834 - Added ability for Admin to enable/disable Profile Visibility
DNN-3838 - Added option to suppress the Pager in the Users Grid when not needed (PageSize > TotalRecords)
DNN-3748 - Fixed Paging in User Accounts when using a Search option other than username
DNN-3822 - Suppress Group Header when Profile has no properties in the Category enabld for display
DNN-3760 - Breadcrumb Enhancement - Allow use of tab title instead of tab name
DNN-3694 - Added friendly message when duplicate portal alias is added
DNN-3419 - Removed some unused resource keys

Control Panel

DNN-3874 - Change to add custom permissions by default to all roles with EDIT permissions when adding a new module to the page


DNN-2913 - Fixed situation where a TextColumn is bound to a null value (now returns "")

File Manager

DNN-3865 - Added buffering to downloading of files (in 10K chunks)


DNN-3702 - Fixed case where a Port is specified in SMTP configuration
DNN-3743 - In LogController, fixed SupportsEmailNotification and SupportsInternalViewer so they return a value
DNN-2699 - Fixed SiteWizard.ascx to allow debugging if specified in web.config

Text Editor

DNN-3926 - Make sure Action menus are not visible if they are empty (or only have break items)


DNN-3759 - Fixed localization errors when no portal (eg during Install)


DNN-3917 - Improved RTL support in Profile Editor
DNN-3812 - Added en-us to default language
DNN-1974 - support for longer locale strings
DNN-2612 - Fixed xml error in reource verifier
DNN-2268 - Updated Resource Verifier to support 2 style resx files
DNN-3594 - Languages sorted alphabetically in Languages editor

Resource Installer

DNN-3742 - Fixed installation of app_code based modules


DNN-2344 - Fixed Indexing when Page has an enddate
DNN-3464 - Added validators to Search settings
DNN-2798 - Fixed UpdateSearchItem stored procedure to use nvarchar instead of varchar
DNN-1902 - Fixed PageCount check
DNN-1891 - Include Common Words setting is now used in GetSearchResults


DNN-3718 - Added required image to password fields (in Register and Add User)
DNN-3964 - Fixed missing code to Log the SuperUser Login event
DNN-3747 - Fixed Registration when RequireQuestionandAnswer is selected
DNN-3849 - Add check for empty string in Decrypt method to avoid errors on x64 servers
DNN-3883 - Allow all Administrators to unlock each other
DNN-3853 - Improve scalability/performance of GetModulePermissionsByModuleID and GetFolderPermissionsByFolderPath
DNN-3833 - Added message for unauthorized users when attempting to log in.
DNN-3706 - Made ValidationExpression column nvarchar(2000) rather than nvarch(100)
DNN-3968 - Created separate temporary and persistent cookie timeouts


DNN-3984 - The DNNMenuNavigationProvider correctly utilizes the CSSNodeSelectedRoot in all cases
DNN-3707 - Fixed skin parsing that extracts the skin components from a full html file.


DNN-3661 - Fixed C# Module Template error
DNN-3708 - Fixed portal template errors when using Modules with multiple Module Definitions (like Blog)
DNN-2234 - Fixed templates default user/password
DNN-3783 - Fixed Site Wizard bug


DNN-3882 - Fixed View mode of the List Edit Control so it correctly returns the list item (when two different Lists contain the same Values)
DNN-3746 - Fixed display of login instaructions
DNN-3798 - Fixed the maximize behaviour of the Password Aging section in User Settings

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Chris Hammond

Chris Hammond is a father, husband, leader, software developer, photographer and car guy. Chris focuses on the latest in technology including artificial intelligence (AI) and has spent decades becoming an expert in ASP.NET and DotNetNuke (DNN) development. You will find a variety of posts relating to those topics here on the website. For more information check out the about Chris Hammond page.

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