Want to go to DevConnections for Free? Speak at DotNetNuke Connections
Learn how to attend DotNetNuke Connections conference in Vegas for free! Submit topics related to DotNetNuke by 3/31 to increase your chances.
Learn how to attend DotNetNuke Connections conference in Vegas for free! Submit topics related to DotNetNuke by 3/31 to increase your chances.
Discover my California adventure - from work at DotNetNuke to house hunting! Stay tuned for updates on finding a new home and selling my car trailer.
Join us at the DotNetNuke User's Group meeting in San Mateo, CA on 3/23/2010. RSVP by 6pm on 3/22 to enjoy pizza, sodas, and networking! #DotNet
Discover the joy of washing and waxing a car after many years! Follow along as we share the experience of cleaning up a 350z and enjoy the beautiful California weather. #carcare #waxing #California
Excited yet nervous about starting a new job at DotNetNuke's Headquarters, settling in San Mateo with my wife. Hoping to find a rental home soon!