Unbound Gravel 2024: Your Guide to Registration Options

Unbound Gravel 2024: Your Guide to Registration Options

So Unbound Gravel 2024 is coming up, with registrations opening already (depending on your status and distance).

Are you gearing up for the Unbound Gravel 2024? Here’s everything you need to know about registration:

Random Selection Process (Lotto)

Due to overwhelming demand, a random selection process determines participants for the 350-mile, 200-mile, 100-mile, 50-mile, and 25-mile events. Registration is free, but credit card details are required upon application. Charges apply only upon acceptance. More info

Lottery Registration Dates

  • UNBOUND Gravel XL Lottery: December 1-15, 2023.
  • UNBOUND Gravel 200, 100, 50, and 25 Lotteries: January 5-20, 2024.

Life Time Members Early Access

Life Time members, with a minimum of six months’ membership, get early access to event registrations and guaranteed spots in lotteries.

Notification and Fees

Selected participants will be notified by email. Event fees, processing fees, and taxes will be charged upon selection. Entry fees for various distances are yet to be determined.

Registration Rules

Only one application per person is allowed. Special consideration is given to multi-time finishers nearing the 1,000 Mile Club status. Life Time members with a qualifying membership duration can bypass the lottery.

Deferral Policy

Participants can defer their entry to the following year, with varying fees based on how far in advance the deferral is requested. No refunds or transfers are allowed. (deferred registration was November 2023, and is closed now)

Alternative Entry Options

Apart from the lottery, you can gain entry by collaborating with charity partners, signing up for UNBOUND Gravel Training Camp, or opting for a coaching package. Volunteering at the event also offers future participation benefits.

Stay tuned for more updates and start planning your journey to one of the most challenging and rewarding gravel events in the world!

Read More at www.bicycletips.com

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Chris Hammond

Chris Hammond is a father, husband, leader, software developer, photographer and car guy. Chris focuses on the latest in technology including artificial intelligence (AI) and has spent decades becoming an expert in ASP.NET and DotNetNuke (DNN) development. You will find a variety of posts relating to those topics here on the website. For more information check out the about Chris Hammond page.

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