· Chris Hammond
Last Updated
Autocross Project 350Z Specifications B-Stock
Learn how Andy & I modified a Nissan 350Z for SCCA Solo competition: from shocks and sway bars to wheels and tires, this setup is a B Stock contender!

Since I seem to post this information on the web over and over I figured I’d solidify it here.
The following information is how Andy and I run my 2003 Nissan 350Z Enthusiast model in SCCA Solo Competition in the B Stock Class.
Shocks DA Konis available from Nissan USA Motorsports Division (SA Konis in the garage just in case Full Stiff (r))
Front Sway Bar Hotchkis (full stiff)
Exhaust Removed the stock muffler, drop 35lbs, put a pipe to aim exhaust down and out from under the car.
Brakes Hawk HP Plus(F) HPS (R)
Wheels Enkie Spacers up front
Tires Kumho 710s, 275 45(or were they 40) 17 Tire Pressure 36-37 (f) 31-32 (r)
For more information on autocrossing a 350Z Check out https://www.project350z.com/