· Chris Hammond
Last Updated
Did you sign up? Let us know!
Join the discussion at LeafOwner.com forums! Share your Nissan Leaf registration experience and insights with fellow owners-to-be. Get involved today!

Did you register for the Priority Registration for the new Nissan Leaf? If you did we want to hear from you! We’ve got a thread started here in the forums that we would appreciate your feedback in. Let other future Leaf owners know what you ordered, and when you ordered.
We turned on the Forums here at www.LeafOwner.com and would encourage everyone to take a few moments to get registered with the site, and start posting in the forums. As we generate some more traffic and posts we’ll expand the forum selection here. If you are interested in contributing to the website please email [email protected] and we’ll get you on the list! We’re looking for contributors for art and news about the Nissan Leaf.