· Chris Hammond
Last Updated
Best 3D Printer Upgrade
Upgrade your Monoprice Maker Select Plus 3D printer with Fulament Fula-Flex 2.0 for perfect prints! Say goodbye to bed adhesion issues and failed prints.

So a few years ago I picked up a 3d Printer, to be specific, a Monoprice Maker Select Plus (I3 Prusa clone). It has been hit or miss, I’ve made some enhancement to it, many that helped, and a few that didn’t (never could get BLTouch working).
Even with enhancements, I struggled to get prints working properly, I would have bed adherence issues and prints would fail. That all changed once I got the Fulament Fula-Flex 2.0 for the Monoprice.
This magnetic print bed has been a godsend. I can easily remove prints, I can easily clean the platform, and prints stick to the platform without trouble.
If you’re having problems, maybe using the original platform, or even have tried a glass bed, give the Fula-Flex 2.0 a try, it has made my prints way more successful and taken the frustration out of failed prints.