An update on conversion from CommunityServer to DotNetNuke

So I've been working for the past few weeks on an a little project. The goal is to convert from CommunityServer to DotNetNuke. I'm not going to be using the DotNetNuke Blog module, instead I've been adding some new features into the Engage: Publish module so that it will support blog like functionality, with the ultimate goal of making it support nearly all the blog type functionality that you find in common blogging systems. I've spent probably 100 hours over the past month or two working on the module (mostly on my own time) to get it setup for the conversion.

I believe I have the software nearly ready to go so a few days ago while I was in Chicago for some DotNetNuke Training classes that I was conducting I started working on the SQL scripts that I will be using in the conversion. I have most of these scripts configured as the import process seems to be good, all the blog posts and tags are pulled over. I still have a few more things to finish up on the import process though.

Here's a list of things I need to do to get the site ready for the conversion. I'll mark them off as I get them completed.

  1. Create conversion scripts for all blog posts (955 posts)
  2. Script to convert all tags (300+ tags)
  3. Script to convert all comments (1194 comments)
  4. Create a URL Handler for the old to new URLs (an unknown number of urls)
  5. Skin the site (3 DNN pages initially with more in the future)

As I typed it up I see I have more left to do than I expected! I would like to see this will all be done by 1/6/2008 but I don't see that happening as it is 1am on the 6th right now. I'll keep working for a bit longer, then get back to it tomorrow evening after I watch American Gladiators!

More coming soon on my conversion from CommunityServer to DotNetNuke!

Update 2:30am 1/6/08: I've finished the conversion scripts for Comments now as well.

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Chris Hammond

Chris Hammond is a father, husband, leader, software developer, photographer and car guy. Chris focuses on the latest in technology including artificial intelligence (AI) and has spent decades becoming an expert in ASP.NET and DotNetNuke (DNN) development. You will find a variety of posts relating to those topics here on the website. For more information check out the about Chris Hammond page.

Find me on Twitter, GitHub and LinkedIn.