Being a Red Sox fan in St. Louis during the 2004 World Series...

Here begins what could be a very interesting week for Red Sox fans everywhere!

I'll be posting my thoughts on the week, and my experiences here in St. Louis. I have yet to procure any tickets to the World Series, but I'll be going down the the stadium each night trying to get tickets on the street.

Today (Saturday Game1) I was walking in West County mall, into one store and right back out. I got boo'd when I was walking in, and on the way out an older lady told me she hopes the Red Sox lose!

I then went to Shop-n-Save on Lindbergh in Soco, where I was almost run over by an older lady in a sedan, who knowingly saw me... Inside the store one of the employees said “Does Damon play for the Astros? Oh, that's a Red Sox Jersey, I can't believe he's wearing that” I don't know if she thought I couldn't hear, or didn't care. When checking out another employee came up to me and wished me luck, said she was a Cards fan but her daughter lives in Maine and is a Red Sox fan. On the way out a lady was finishing her cigarette, in front of her 12 year old (guess at the age) daughter, “Red Sox????” I just said, Yes....

This will be a fun week! :)

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being a yankees fan, i know how you feel. i catch a lot of hell about it around here when i wear my yanks jersey. it's just a good thing that NY and STL are in different leagues, so i can root for the cards too.

it was a good game tonight. as much of a sox fan i'm not, i have to give them credit.
Posted By: Anonymous Poster on Oct 2004

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Chris Hammond

Chris Hammond is a father, husband, leader, software developer, photographer and car guy. Chris focuses on the latest in technology including artificial intelligence (AI) and has spent decades becoming an expert in ASP.NET and DotNetNuke (DNN) development. You will find a variety of posts relating to those topics here on the website. For more information check out the about Chris Hammond page.

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