How to run Visual Studio 2012 as Administrator in Windows 8

If you’re a developer who frequently creates DotNetNuke Module Projects, than you likely  realize DNN is far easier to work with when you run Visual Studio as an Administrator. Why? Because DNN, and the method of module development that I preach, requires your environment to use IIS locally, not with dynamically assigned ports and such that IIS Express will use.

In Windows 7 it is fairly easy to make VS run as an Administrator, but in Windows 8 it is a bit more difficult, especially if you like to have your VS icon attached to your task bar. So here are the steps to get Visual Studio 2012 always running as an Administrator in Windows 8.

  1. From the START screen type Visual Studio to get the VS Icon available.
  2. Right click on the ICON and choose “Open file location” (notice you can also run as administrator from there, but that only works for this time you open VS)
  3. Right Click on the Shortcut that loads up on the next screen and choose properties
  4. On the Shortcut tab, click on Advanced and select the Run as administrator option
  5. Click OK to close the windows.
  6. Repeat Step 1
  7. Now choose Pin to TaskBar.

Now when you go to start Visual Studio 2012 from the Taskbar it should prompt you with the standard “UAC” user account control, notification window to make sure you want to start it as an admin.

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hey Chris, thanks- does this work for your pinned projects within the VS icon (e.g. if you open a project as Admin and then right click on the icon and pin it). When I do this it opens as non-admin...
Posted By: Rodney Joyce on Mar 2013
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His Chris, I wasn't able to get this working for pinned projects. I found the steps on this link work in all situation. Thanks for the info.
Posted By: Bill Robertson on Mar 2013

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Chris Hammond

Chris Hammond is a father, husband, leader, software developer, photographer and car guy. Chris focuses on the latest in technology including artificial intelligence (AI) and has spent decades becoming an expert in ASP.NET and DotNetNuke (DNN) development. You will find a variety of posts relating to those topics here on the website. For more information check out the about Chris Hammond page.

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