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Today Natalie and I, along with Will Strohl and Kim Rausch (and kids), went to the Travis AFB Air Show, the weather was great, if a little windy. As we were walking around after the Thunderbirds show, taking photos and getting ready to leave I came across this spot on the tarmac

B-1 Bomber/Retirement Location

As we walked by that painted pavement I realized I had been there before.


That was where my dad retired after 30 years in the United States Air Force.

Retirement Ceremony

The latter two photos were taken with my first digital camera in March of 1998.

I’m a proud son!

If you’re going to the Travis AFB Skies over Solano County this weekend, good luck finding a schedule! Actually, good luck of finding much of anything.

The website for the show appears to be https://www.travisairexpo.com/ but it hardly has anything useful on there. The only thing that is of any use is the do’s and don’ts section of the FAQ.

I’m hoping to get out there on Saturday to see the Thunderbirds, but there is no telling when they will actually perform. I assume later in the afternoon, hopefully that assumption isn’t wrong!

Maybe next year the folks running the show will setup a DotNetNuke based website, hell I’ll even help them out, so they can see how easy it is to setup and maintain content with the best open source content management system.

UPDATE: Finally I found some info, looks like they will close the show around 3pm! https://www.dailydemocrat.com/ci_18574402?source=most_viewed

I took a lot of photos this weekend, and have posted some of them over on my Flickr account. Check them out!Photos from the Gateway Cup race in Lafayette Square Friday Night are here.A few of the hundreds of photos I took at the Airshow are...
I'll be hitting at least two of these events, though I'll probably end up at at least three of them before the weekend is over.St. Louis County Fair and Air Show (I'll be there to take photos and relive being a kid)The Gateway Cup (I'll be there taking photos of some friends racing)Gateway To Nationals (I should be racing, but am not this year)Midwest Z Fest (If I had the 73 ready I'd go)I'm sure there's plenty of other events going on, feel free to post up your own for this weekend in St....

Chris Hammond

Chris Hammond is a father, husband, leader, software developer, photographer and car guy. Chris focuses on the latest in technology including artificial intelligence (AI) and has spent decades becoming an expert in ASP.NET and DotNetNuke (DNN) development. You will find a variety of posts relating to those topics here on the website. For more information check out the about Chris Hammond page.

Find me on Twitter, GitHub and LinkedIn.