Tagged Posts

This morning, I received a notification from OpenBugBounty.org that an XSS vulnerability had been found on ChrisHammond.com. The email included a link to a bug bounty report but lacked specific details about the issue.

I quickly set up an account on OpenBugBounty.org and attempted to claim the domain to gain more information. Upon successfully doing so, I was provided with the display name of the researcher who reported the issue. I reached out to them via email, albeit cautiously, as I was unsure if it might be a phishing attempt.


Chris Hammond

Chris Hammond is a father, husband, leader, software developer, photographer and car guy. Chris focuses on the latest in technology including artificial intelligence (AI) and has spent decades becoming an expert in ASP.NET and DotNetNuke (DNN) development. You will find a variety of posts relating to those topics here on the website. For more information check out the about Chris Hammond page.

Find me on Twitter, GitHub and LinkedIn.