· Chris Hammond
Last Updated

The Mazda gets no love

Discover the importance of regular car maintenance with this personal experience of finally waxing a beloved Mazda CX-7 after months of neglect.

Discover the importance of regular car maintenance with this personal experience of finally waxing a beloved Mazda CX-7 after months of neglect.

I can't believe it, but tonight after work I came home and washed, rain-x'd and waxed the Mazda CX-7. We've owned it since December, and this is the first time I've put wax on it.

I'm so ashamed, I don't know if I have ever owned a car (besides the 240z) that ever went that long without getting waxed. Even the Turbobird got waxed and it was a huge mess.

The CX-7 was a mess, as is the 350z right now. One of the downfalls of living in Half Moon Bay, if you don't park your cars in the garage (we don't currently have room) they WILL be wet almost every morning.

Perhaps this weekend I can get the garage cleaned and come up with room for at least one of the cars.

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